Bothell Bi-Monthly Update – October 15, 2012
Events in the Bothell area:
Bothell City Council and Planning Commission news:
Bothell's current two-year budget cycle is coming to an end, which means it's time to establish the budget for the next two years. Following are the Bothell City Council meeting dates when the budget will be discussed:
- October 16: Public Hearing regarding the Capital Facilities Plan
- October 30: Presentation of the Draft 2013-2014 Budget November 13: Study Session regarding the 2013-2014 Budget, utility rates and property and EMS tax levies, City Council to consider adoption of resolution setting the 2013-2014 fee schedule
- November 20: Public Hearing regarding the 2013-2014 Budget; City Council to consider adoption of ordinances establishing property and EMS tax levies, and to consider adoption of ordinances establishing utility rates.
- December 4: Council to consider adoption of ordinance approving the 2013-2014 Budget
October 16, 2012 Bothell City Council - Public Meeting to Consider Direction for the Preferred Alternative Design of Horse Creek Improvements Project - RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept replacing the existing Horse Creek pipe with a hybrid open-channel and culvert system along 98th Avenue NE, from NE 188th Street to the Sammamish River.
October 16, 2012 Bothell City Council - Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of Resolution Approving the 2013-2018 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program
October 17, 2012 - The Planning Commission, which meets at 7pm, will be hearing a
proposed up zone in the Norway Hill area on the 24th.
Tandem Wine and Cheese Bar [next to Mills Music on the north side] received the King Television Best Customer Service Award for 2012. Congratulations!
University of Washington construction – Week beginning October 1, 2012, there are several building projects being constructed on campus including the Sports and Recreation Complex, the $62 million Science and Academic Building and The Sarah Simonds Green Conservatory.
There may be periodic one-way traffic routing on 110th and 180th streets for the next several weeks to complete sewer and water connections to existing utilities located under 180th St. Signage will be posted and flaggers will be on-site for alternating lane closures
October 17, 2012 -7pm at the Public Works Operation in Canyon Park Bothell Unleashed, an informal citizens’ group organized to bring an off-leash dog park to Bothell discussing potential dog-park locations and how to make it a reality in a limited-budget environment.
October 19 – 20, 2012 Bastyr University's Haunted Trails -an evening of frightening fun as Haunted Trails returns to the Bastyr University woods-Things get scary when the Haunted Trails open from 7-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday night ($20/person).
Festivities begin for ages 8 and younger with The Great Pumpkin's Trick-or-Treating Adventure from 5-6:45 p.m. (cost is $5 per child), followed by the Children's Carnival from 5:30-9 p.m.
October 26-28, from 10 am to 5 pm. The Wastemobile will be at the Seattle Times building
(19200 120th Ave NE, Bothell). It's the last Wastemobile visit of the year
October 31, 2012 | 4:00PM-6:00PM Trick or Treat at Country Village Costume up, and enjoy a fun, family-filled, SAFE Trick or Treating experience! Particpating shops will be offering treats to your little gouls, ghosts, witches and chickens from 4 to 6pm while supplies last!
October 31, 2012 - Kids can enjoy more treats than tricks at the annual Safe Halloween in Bothell down Main Street from 5 to 7 pm Main Street will be closed for the fun.
Horse creek will be on this Tuesday's agenda twice, once for the comp plan changes and once for the design for opening the creek up. The problem with the latter is the $13 +m price tag. Hard to know where this is headed.
And be sure to check us out on facebook~ "like" us and post your own favorite Bothell pictures, make comments and join right in!